Max Penk

Max Penk

Executive Creative Producer at IT'S US Media

About me

I am a creative thinker and love to build bridges between people, ideas and technology.
I have a diploma in filmproduction from the Filmakademie Ludwigsburg and studied computer sciences+philosophy at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. I started working in the digital industry as a digital concepter and in interactive product development and made my way into media and advertising.

I am a digital junkie, web3 and NFT enthusiast and know more memes than I officially should. Sometimes I create my own virals like the Corona Webcams Video (see it in my profile highlights here) which made it to the Reddit frontpage, got a retweet from Jan Böhmermann and received more than 11 mio views.

Recently I came up with a NFT idea for WWF Germany which generates money for endangered animals. 10 artworks for 10 nearly extinct animals, limited exactly to the amount of animals still alive. We generated already close to 300k Euro with this:

I love wine and to jump out of airplanes, but not both at the same time. I compete with my team in the national Indoor Skydiving Championships.
I am an ailurophile (look it up).
I once placed third at a SecondLife Surfing competition in 2007 and sold digital items there, long before it was called metaverses.

On the more professional side:
11+ years of film and storytelling experience working with agencies and brands for all different platforms and media.

Working on projects which are relevant and become "talk of the town" make me extra happy.

I will help you to find the best directors, photographers, cinematographers, artists and digital specialists to make your project work.

Proud Member of the ADC - Art Directors Club for Germany & Chaos Computer Club e.V.

  • English - Native
  • German - Native


Executive Creative Producer
IT'S US Media GmbH, Berlin
August 2015 - Present (9 years 7 months)

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