- Rédaction de Communiqués de Presse & Etablissement de listing Presse
- Mise en place d'opérations RP pour sorties de campagnes
- Création de Kit RP (contact prestataires, devis, production...)
- Listing Festivals Publicité & Etablissement dossiers
- Communication + évènements interne s
Internship in Spanish
Sponsorship Department
Project chief assistant of the Carrefour campaign in La Vuelta Ciclista (cyclist tour of Spain) :
- supervisition, coordination and validation of all the in store communication, media relations, on line strategy and content
-relation with agencies for on site activation and events
-technical organization and plannification of event
Assisting in Clientele Attention service, making presentations and analysis of client satisfaction and evolution of stores to create a pilot project for the company.