Alexander Wieland
Account Manager at thjnk Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
Campaign Holiday
Advertiser McDonald's
Brand McDonald's
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017
Business Sector Food
Philosophy McDonald's is the world's most famous fastfood chain. Everybody know the Big Mac, the Cheeseburger and many other menu items. We were tasked with coming up with an ad to whet people's appetite for their wide range of tasty products.After a long exhausting day or after a long exhausting night almost nothing feels as liberating and satisfying as a visit at McDonald's. There are days and nights after which you deserve their favourite treat from McDonald's. And we show exactly these hours. In the form of digital calendar entries that look just like McDonald's products, which you earned during that time.
Media Type Print
Managing Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Direction
Account Manager

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