Marlon von Franquemont

Marlon von Franquemont

Senior Creative at DDB Berlin
Berlin, Germany


Teacher Advanced Concepting
Miami, United States
July 2015 - Present (9 years 8 months)
Working, sweating and having fun together with crazy young creatives from all over the planet.

Awards: D&AD Pencil
Senior Creative
Berlin, Germany
May 2015 - Present (9 years 10 months)
Crafting ideas for Telekom, Henkel, Sony, VW, Seat and McDonald's.
Under supervison of Tom Hauser, Gabriel Matar, Ricardo Wolff and Myles Lord.

Awards: Gold, Silver Eurobest, Shortlist Cannes
Senior Creative
Berlin, Germany
January 2011 - May 2015 (4 years 4 months)
Privileged to work for Nikon Worldwide, Daimler Mercedes-Benz, Deutsche Post and Netflix.
Under supervison of Peter Gocht and Christian Kroll and Marc Isken & Florian Schwalme.

Awards: Gold, Silver Euro Effies / Gold, Silver GWA Effies / Silver Epica / Shortlist ADC / Gold IPA Effectiveness Award / Bronze Esprix / Luerzers 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide
Junior Art Director
Amsterdam, Netherlands
September 2009 - January 2011 (1 year 4 months)
Creating ideas for Mini, BMW, Nestlé, Gamma, Bayer, Agis, KitKat, Nationale Nederlanden, ANWB, Etos and Unilever.
Under supervison of Thijs de Boer, Jeroen Ragas, Gerard Foekema, Massimo van der Plas, Joep de Kort and Henk & Ed.

Awards: Shortlist Luerzers Archive International Student o/t Year / Webby / Lovie
Teacher Advertising
Willem de Kooning Academie Hogeschool Rotterdam
November 2008 - July 2009 (8 months)
In my final year i teached a Master Class in Software and the 1st grade Advertising concept development.
Junior Creative
Bruxelles, Belgium
September 2008 - January 2009 (4 months)
Working together with great talent and clients: Spa Reine, GAIA, Douwe Egberts, Brussels Airlines and Yellow Pages Mobile.
Under supervision of Peter Ampe and Katrien Bottez.

Awards: Silver Eurobest / Bronze Lion / Gold NY Festival /
Junior Creative
May 2007 - August 2008 (1 year 3 months)
Attracting the right people for the job with the help of creativity and some amazing colleagues for IKEA, ABN AMRO, AMC, UMC, GVB and ASML.
Under supervision of Maarten Kuipers, Ronnie Besseling, Rob Bary and Greo Belgers.

Awards: Gold, Silver Young ADCN / 4x Gold, 1x Student Silver, 1x Student Shortlist Magnet
Digital Retoucher
Ede, Netherlands
June 2007 - June 2008 (1 year)
After being published in Computer Arts i was offered a job at Lukkien during study as a Retouch Artist for Mitsubishi, Canon, Gamma and Nike.
Junior Product Design
July 2007 - September 2007 (2 months)
Designing and hand crafting the interior for the VIP lounges at the Dutch and German version of ID&T Sensation White / Black
Junior Digital Art Director
Amsterdam, Netherlands
September 2004 - July 2005 (10 months)
Digital Creative for SEAT, KLM, Volkswagen and Hi KPN under supervision of Mervyn ten Dam and Dick Buschman.

Awards: ADCN / Gold Spinawards
Junior Digital Art Director
Amsterdam, Netherlands
January 2004 - May 2004 (4 months)
Responsible for digital concepts for Ford Netherlands.


Graphic Design / Fine Arts Field Of Study Advertising

2005 - 2009 (4 years)
Fine arts meets marketing. Accolades: Shortlisted Drempelprijs + Maaskantprijs

Multimedia Designer: Concept development

2000 - 2004 (4 years)
Studying Concept and Design on a cross-media level. A great understanding of all fields was required.

Information Technology: Computer Programming

1998 - 2000 (2 years)
C++, Java, Flash and web development. During my third year i was advised to go to an art school in Amsterdam.

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