Joseph Rozier

Joseph Rozier

senior creative at Marcel
Paris, France

About me

Joseph began his career at CLM BBDO in 2015. He was named Young Creative of the Year by Stratégies magazine alongside his creative partner, Théophile Robaglia. Since his debut, he has received nearly 140 awards and honors at major international competitions (Cannes Lions, Eopica, One Show, D&AD, LIA, NYF, Effies...), including a Cannes Lions Gold, the Eurobest Grand Prix, and the Andy's Brave Brands Award. He has also served as a member of creative juries such as the New York Grand Jury, the French ADC, and Mad Stars.

In 2020, he joined Marcel Paris, the creative hotshop of Publicis group.
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  • French - Native
  • English - Pro


Concept Provider / Copywriter
Paris, France
2020 - Present (5 years 2 months)
Team up with Theophile Robaglia. CCOs: Youri Guerassimov, Gaetan Du Peloux. CDs: Jeremie Bottiau, Clément Séchet, Virgile Lassalle, Remy Aboukrat… Accounts: DS automotive, Spotify, Prime Video, Hello Bank, Heetch, Transavia, Groupama among others

Other professional activities

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

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