Dziopa Nicolas

Dziopa Nicolas

Creative director at novembre creative business partner
Strasbourg, France

About me

Copywriter / Creative director @
20 years of experience in advertising / global communication / branding / storytelling / social media

References :
Lidl - Puma - Crédit Mutuel - Soprema - Université Paris Cité - Accor Hotels - M&M's

Concepteur, natural born curious storyteller, rédacteur, relecteur, cinémaniac, BDvore, musicophile, traveller, mountain lover, skater/snowboarder et amoureux de la pub.
Au quotidien, je pars du principe que les gens ont un cerveau et sont souvent ravis de s'en servir...

  • French - Native
  • English - Pro
  • German - Basic


Creative director
Strasbourg, France
April 2014 - Present (10 years 11 months)
Strategic thinking - Management - Copywriting - Pitch presentation - Storytelling for BtoC & BtoB brands like Lidl, Puma, Crédit Mutuel (bank), Soprema, Delfingen...

Working with a team of 25 creatives to deliver crafted campaigns both on and offline. At novembre, we strongly believe that collective intelligence and creativity help brands to become stronger and more useful to customers.

Creative director
Illkirch, France
September 2002 - March 2014 (11 years 6 months)


Bachelor of Advertising and Communication (Hons)

September 2001 - June 2002 (9 months)

Trade Organizations


January 2016 - Present (9 years 2 months)
Imagepartners is a dynamic group of independent marketing and advertising agencies located in all major European markets and the United States. With a diverse set of marketing skills, languages and cultural backgrounds at our disposal, we can offer support to help you achieve your international strategy. Whether you’re taking your first step abroad or just want to ensure efficient implementation of your global marketing platform, we are always here to help.

Other professional activities

PHNX 2024

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

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