Tamás Ádám
Creative Copywriter at VML
Budapest, Hungary

Tamás Ádám Interview(s)

PHNX Jury Interview 2024

Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury this year?
I think it's pretty cool to see an award that brings together professionals of all ages in the industry. After enjoying my time on the jury last year and learning a lot, I couldn't resist jumping back in for another round this year.
What do you think of our hybrid jury, featuring creatives but also strategists, clients and people from all corners of the industry?
It's awesome to witness such a diverse range of perspectives coming together. Not only does it ensure that the best entries are judged by the most suitable professionals, but we also have the opportunity to glean valuable insights from the tips or thought-provoking comments provided by other judges.
What do you think of the idea of free entry until the shortlist stage?
It's all about equal opportunities! This setup lets even smaller agencies shine without breaking the bank on entries. I really like it!
How would you define the perfect PHNX Awards winner?
Incredibly simple, truly creative, perfectly crafted, and lights up with that "aha!" moment.
What is having the biggest impact on creative trends at the moment?
AI. It isn't just another platform or tool; it's a whole new world of possibilities for the creative industry, offering endless opportunities and opening up exciting new horizons.
Who would you nominate as your two or three “creatives of the year”?
Haha, that's a great question! If I had to pick, maybe the folks at McCANN after the ADLaM campaign or the former Wunderman Thompson creatives post-The Subconscious Order. But I could highlight a bunch of big names from Hungary as well, who are consistently making waves year after year. It's a tough one to call!

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