I was born in Brasilía, Brazil. I have lived in São Paulo for about 11 years and began my career as an advertising art director in 2009.
I have worked at local Brazilian agencies such as Z+ Havas, LewLara\TBWA, and Africa-DDB before joining Media Arts Lab\TBWA
in 2019, where I remained until now as a Senior Art Director.
Throughout my career, I worked for brands of different segments, such as ESPN, Vivo Telefonica, Brahma Beer (Ab InBev), Budweiser (Ab InBev), Natura, Nissan, Hyundai, LP&M - Pocketbooks, Heinz, Mitsubishi, Itaú, and Apple.
My work has also been recognized by some of the most important Advertising awards, such as D&AD, Cannes, The One Show, ADC, Clio, and El Ojo.