Leopold Fiala

Leopold Fiala

CEO at Leopold Fiala Photography
Munich, Germany

About me

Leopold Fiala is driven by diversity. Coming from a background in design, the world presents so many opportunities for him, from different subjects, concepts, and more. Not limited to one subject, Fiala explores portraits, landscapes, advertising, transportation, lifestyle, and much more. Despite the range of his oeuvre, he unites his varied interests with a signature style: strong, graphic imagery with subtle coloring that stem from his design roots. The images grab his viewer and surround them in the situation, creating truly immersive work. Fiala constantly challenges himself and viewer alike. He is based in Munich.

text by Kung-Gene Chu, NYC

Please feel free to contact me any given time for booking enquiries, collaborations or image requests. I always look forward to new opportunities.

Please visit: www.leopoldfiala.com

  • German - Native
  • English - Pro

Other professional activities

PHNX 2022

Awards Jury Member

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