Shannon Peel
Creative Entrepreneurial Owner at MarketAPeel
Vancouver, Canada

Shannon Peel Interview(s)

Viewpoints about Strategy/Planning

In a few words, can you tell us who you are what your job title is?
I am a brand storyteller. I help business owners and professionals define their brand stories, create content, and build out their digital footprints to meet their audiences along the buyer's journey.

My company, MarketAPeel, provides thought leaders with a platform to build authenticity and gain credibility while connecting with a community of individuals who are creating an appealing life, career, or business.
Which aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
Asking questions and listening to people tell me their stories. I love the feeling of being able to clarify what they are trying to say and crafting a strategy to get their brand stories in front of the right people in the marketplace.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge for brands in reaching consumers in the next five years?
Getting eyeballs on their brands and being remembered. Too many brands look the same and this trend is going to continue as digital marketers continue to use the same analytics to go after the same audiences and brands move towards a digital only image.

To stand out in the marketplace and be memorable brands need to meet audiences where they are and tell their stories to them to motivate them to take action. Audiences will become more demanding of what they expect from brands when it comes to social justice, identity, and the good old, what's in it for me attitude.

Brands who use business brand story structure to qualify their audiences and draw them into their own onsite communities will create brand advocacy and loyalty, while other brands continue to pay through the nose for social ads and search marketing. Consumers are starved for connection and the brands who can create the opportunities for them to connect with like minded people while not being bombarded by those they don't want to hear from, will grow over the long term.

It all starts with understanding your brand, who you are, what you stand for, and creating a community by telling authentic stories to attract like minded audiences.
What project that you worked on are you most proud of, and why?
The latest issue of the APeeling Digital Magazine - the Podcasting Issue. It is the culmination of 100 days of posting 100 BrandAPeel podcast episodes.

It was a lot of work and I learned a lot about podcasting. I met some interesting brand storytellers, heard some interesting brand stories, and expanded my skill set.
How can data make us more creative? Can you give a recent example?
We need data to understand what our audiences are up to, what they like, do, and experience.

The more we know about our audience, the better we can tell them their stories and provide them our solutions as they seek to improve their lives and find their happiness.

Business brand stories are not about the business, they are about the problems the audience faces and provides them with options to help them choose how they will slay their dragons.

Brand Stories about businesses are personal brand stories and allow audiences to understand what the business is about. These stories are not constructed to help audiences make a choice to solve a problem, but rather to inform the audience about the values, mission, and purpose of the business.

To guide audiences from brand awareness to brand advocacy, we need to construct different stories based on where the audience is along their buying journey. It isn't easy, but this is why we need the data, so we know what details matter to the audience and when.

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