Rukshan Demahalgiriya
Senior Art Director at NGage Strategic Alliance
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Campaign World Environment Day
Advertiser Reckitt
Brand Harpic
PostedJuly 2022
Business Sector Household Products & Maintenance
Story Human waste and excreta disposal are some of the key elements of any emergency sanitation program. Inadequate disposal of human excreta can lead to the contamination of the environment and water sources, and can provide breeding sites for flies and mosquitoes which may carry various infections that contributes to poor health outcomes. In the world today, many millions of children who are usually first to fall victim, suffer from diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and other serious infections that could have been prevented by good sanitation. In addition, millions suffer from parasitic infections where improvements in sanitation especially human excreta and solid waste management could have prevented them. The overall purpose of good sanitation is to provide a healthy living environment for everyone, protect the natural resources such as surface water, groundwater, and soil, and provide safety, security, and dignity for people when they defecate or urinate. We can start this from our homes by taking the necessary steps to ensure our home environment is healthy and hygienic #EnvironmentDay2021 #HarpicMissionWellbeing
Media Type Print
Creative Director
Art Direction
Assistant Manager Content

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