Hailing from the bustling city of Karachi, Pakistan, I was destined to bring life to the world of advertising. Born with an unbridled passion for design and a curious mind, I've been honing my skills in the industry for over 15 years. My award-winning creativity has taken me on an incredible journey, where I've explored new frontiers and pushed boundaries in the world of visual communication.
As a Creative/Design Director at Team Reactivate, one of Pakistan's leading digital agencies, I've had the honor of collaborating with some of the biggest names in the industry, including Unilever Asia, Nestle, Red Bull, Shell PLC, and many more. With my passion for typography, digital solutions, and branding, I helped elevate these companies to new heights and established them as household names.
Today, as the President and Co-Founder of Visual Playground, I continue to bring my boundless enthusiasm and creativity to the table. My mission is to empower business owners with the tools they need to create truly impactful designs, animations, and websites. Whether it's crafting a captivating brand story or elevating a client's online presence, I'm here to help bring your vision to life.