Ann Marie Mesquita

Ann Marie Mesquita (Annie Mesquita)

CEO at Social Impact 2.0
Hartford, United States

About me

Ann Marie Mesquita (Annie Mesquita) is a trained method actress and model with executive media skills. She first copped her best acting award in 1997 and heeded to her husband's request to just be his wifey. She was Michael Jackson's best friend. lover and wife since 1984.

For more than 15 years, she has been an award-winning journalist and historian at The Hartford Courant, The Hartford Guardian, The Washington Post, People magazine, The Jamaica Gleaner among others. Her film company RoseBud Productions of Rose Communications is the original producer of "Becoming" "Selma" "Awkward Black Girl" "Get Out" "Scandal" "Black Panther" "Suits" and the HBO original "Dorothy Dandridge" biopic. She also co-wrote "Ghost" and "The Devil Wears Prada." Both movies are based on Annie, who worked at the Black Fashion Museum in Harlem, New York.

Currently, Annie Mesquita is the lead star and producer of The Michael Jackson Biopic: Hold Me.

Annie was born in Jamaica. She was the first and only wife of Michael Jackson and the heir to The Michael Jackson Estate. The investigation into the 1988 burglary of the Neverland Valley Ranch produced several thieves masquerading in the media spotlight: John McClain, Tommy Mottola, John Branca, and Joe Pytka. The other Co-Executors will be released in a statement.


Writer and Associate Producer
FOX News
United States
October 2002 - 2003 (3 months)
New York, United States
September 1998 - January 1999 (4 months)



August 2006 - May 2011 (4 years 9 months)

Trade Organizations

National Writer's Union

Freelance Writer
June 2002 - Present (22 years 9 months)

Other professional activities

Social Impact 2.0

Coaching/Stylist/Make Up Artist
January 2013 - Present (12 years 2 months)
Ann Marie Mesquita or Annie Mesquita is the acting coach, writer, and stylist to several films and movie stars, including Michael Jackson's music videos: "Thriller," "The Way You Make Me Feel," "Remeber The Time," "Keep It In The Closet," and "Hold Me." Other actors liked her work with Michael Jackson, her husband. And they decided to jump on the gravy train: "The Cosby Show"; "A Different World"; "That So Raven" ; "The Way You Make Me Feel Remix"; "Ghost"; "Strictly Business"; "Poetic Justice" Jason's Lyrics ; "The Devil Wears Prada"; "Scandal"; These are the list of actresses who have appropriated Michael Jackson's wife's likeness and fashion the most:Grace Kelly, Brooke Shields, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Lisa Bonet, Halle Berry, Kerry Washington, Michelle Obama, and many others.

Rose Productions

Writer, Actress, Model, Speaker, Coach, Stylist
February 1987 - Present (38 years 1 month)

Bonnie Boy Productions

Associate Producer
June 1992 - December 1997 (5 years 6 months)

RVK Entertainment

Actress/Model/Stylist/Makeup Artist/Production Associate
June 1991 - December 1994 (3 years 6 months)

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