As a designer it's not important to me what kind of client or industry I work for. The challenge and the result is important. Whether automotive, beauty, finance, FMCG, pharma, software, food or NGO - there is no rule that says one can only work for a certain field of industry. The approach is as important as the claim itself!
I gained my first professional work experience in 2002 with projects in advertising. Then in 2004 I became much more involved in projects around film production and interactive exhibition content.
From 2007 on, during my time at two of the biggest TV broadcasters in Germany ProSiebenSat.1 and ZDF, I enhanced my skills around the combination of branding, digital design, storytelling and motion graphics.
From then on, I was also much more into leading smaller up to larger teams and units. From 2012 on I have been responsible for creative departments at agenies or companies.
More on my website:
Currently, I am working as Creative Director at TLGG, part of Omnicom Media Group.