David Goldman

David Goldman (Instagram: @thedavidgoldmanphoto)

Photographer at davidgoldmanphoto.com
Toronto, Canada

About me

Watching, listening and learning from the people that I photograph. The moment shared is often an intimate and vulnerable one. Ensuring that the humanity and dignity of the subject are always maintained is paramount to me.

Although not too old, I do consider myself a sort of old-school photographer. I started out sweeping the studio floor, before graduating to printing in the darkroom. I assisted some of the best photographers in the world and learned many lessons. Perhaps the most important was that it’s a tremendous honor when someone allows me to photograph him or her.

Photography has given me access to people, situations, and causes that I consider important. Being on the inside and given access to what most people will never have an opportunity to experience makes it all that more important to share. Through images and video, my job is to bring the viewer that much closer, to ask questions and maybe even be moved to action. It could be human rights, marginalized people, maternal health or my long-term project #thebirthlottery.

Sharing these stories to help make even the smallest difference is why I put my feet on the ground in the morning and why I strive to make a human connection.

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