Panos Kontopoulos

Panos Kontopoulos

CEO at Wedia
Greece, Greece

About me

Having an academic background in Mathematics, I saw the rise of the computing empire as a huge opportunity and thus, I dedicated time and effort to delve into the fundamentals of software engineering. I then had the chance to apply what I had learned, while working in both Greek and multinational companies, although I always knew I belong to marketing and communications.

My first experience with the Internet was in 1997 and it hasn't stopped to amaze me ever since. Now, with the Internet being at its best, I am very glad I have finally realized that what I like to do for a living is mixing technology with marketing and offering creative solutions to resolve business problems.

Since 2009, I have been the CEO and also a shareholder of wedia, a leading Digital Marketing Agency based in Greece. Wedia started out with a heavy background and skills in programming and designing and was able to execute even the most complicated and demanding projects. As we grow we have incorporated various advertising/communications tactics necessary for the digital environment and now we can offer complete marketing communication strategies.

Our clientele consists of companies covering a variety of industries, such as Telecommunications, Finance, Media, Retail, Travel - i.e. ALBA Business School, Minoan Lines, Piraeus Bank, Eurolife ERB Insurance, The Hellenic-American Educational Foundation, Dias Publishing House, etc.

Specialties: Business Management, Sales, Operations, Account Management, Inbound Marketing, User Experience, Information Architecture, Social Media, Web Technologies.

Check my insights posted in our business blog at


Business Development
Agile Actors
July 2015 - Present (9 years 8 months)
CEO and Co-Founder
Wedia Digital Business Agency
January 2010 - Present (15 years 2 months)
CEO and Co-Founder at WEDIA, a Digital Marketing Agency responsible for some of the most beautiful, demanding and complex projects of Greek Internet world.

In the early days of the web, things were easy. A single person would design the web site, in most cases this same person would do the coding, no need for complex database systems, no need to support a thousand browsers or to explain what he/she would do and why.

Online business has became a complex environment and professionals dealing with it have to aggreggate many skills and be exposed to various experiences. Copywriter, UX Designer, Coder, Programmer, Database experts, Tester, Infrastructure expert, Information Architect, Visual Designer, Project Manager, Account Manager and many more roles and "hats" have to be shared among team members.

Our main responsibilities are divided into 5 major areas and we expand accordingly:

- Design and User Experience
- Front End Development
- Back End and Infrastructure Engineering
- Social Media Marketing
- Account and Project Management
- Business activities

Visiting Lecturer
Excelixi SA, Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship
September 2014 - September 2017 (3 years)
e-Academy // Digital Marketing PractitionerInbound Marketing - Marketing Automation
Marketing Manager
iteam s.a.
January 2008 - October 2009 (1 year 9 months)
Trying to figure out how a bunch of really good products can be promoted in a more effective way as well as how sales efforts can be organized more successfully
Business Unit Manager
January 2008 - October 2009 (1 year 9 months)
Busy launching a brand new business unit under the name *paperplane* offering Social Media Marketing consulting and implementation services to large-medium-small enterprises in front and behind the firewall
Web Platform Strategy Advisor
Microsoft Hellas
February 2004 - December 2007 (3 years 10 months)
I spent the first 2 years of my career in Microsoft Hellas working as Engagement Manager in Microsoft Consulting Services responsible for a team of 4 people in the design, implementation and deployment of various complex and large scale projects in different domains and industries. Last 2 years I was working in the Evangelism Group as a Web Platform Strategy Advisor responsible for the promotion of Microsoft's web technologies to a variety of audiences like end-users, developers, hosters, indepedent software vendors and system integrators through workshops, events and one to one meetings and engagements.
Business Unit Manager
Intarget SA
March 2000 - January 2004 (3 years 10 months)
Responsible for InBusiness unit, specializing in the implementation of intricate applications requiring advanced technology such as portals, vortals, intranet and extranet applications, WAP applications etc.Among a large number of projects, InBusiness team implemented the first and innovative versions of web sites and portals for Athens Stock Exchange, EFG Eurobank, Delta Dairy SA, Egnatia Bank, Fourlis Group of Companies, Viohalko Group of Companies, Despec, Kotsovolos, and many more
Product Architect - Project Manager
March 1997 - February 2000 (2 years 11 months)



1983 - 1987 (4 years)

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