Alexander Sinyuk
Copywriter at Voskhod
Ekaterinbourg , Russia
TitleStay Live. Stay Alive
BriefPeople in Russia are constantly on their phones while driving, and radio phone-in shows exacerbate this problem. SM Polis Insurance fought against the habit by collaborating with a popular call-in radio show. When a presenter got a call from someone who was driving at, he immediately disconnected the call and broadcast the sound of a car crash. After a moment of scary silence the presenter revealed it was not a real crash and explained the danger of using phones while driving.
Campaign Stay Live. Stay Alive
Advertiser SM Polis Insurance
Brand SM Polis Insurance

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PostedJanuary 2018
Business SectorSubscribers Only
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Story (original language)Subscribers Only
Media Type Radio
Creative Director A...ey Gu......lin Subscribers Only
Copywriter A...n Subscribers Only
Copywriter Subscribers Only
Copywriter A...n Subscribers Only
Art Director Vl.....av Der......ykh Subscribers Only
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