Benjamin de Kruijf

Benjamin de Kruijf

Marketing Communications Lead at Triple
Amsterdam, Netherlands

About me

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Marketing Communications Lead
Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 2016 - Present (8 years 10 months)
Co Founder
February 2015 - Present (10 years 1 month)
January 2015 - May 2016 (1 year 4 months)
Strategie, copy, campagnes en acquisitie

THEMIDDLEMAN finds a solution for every creative problem a company might have. We select the perfect match for your problem in our constantly growing network of experts. From website design to creative strategy and from logo design to creative writing. We do it all. And we stand for the quality of our experts. We pick the best option. You get the best solution.
Stagiair Marketing communicatie
2014 (1 year)
Promotie strategieën ontwikkelen en uitvoeren, events organiseren, promotiemateriaal ontwikkelen, partner contacten onderhouden, copy schrijven.


Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) - Reclame, Marketing & Communicatie Grade 8

2010 - 2015 (5 years)
Minor trendwatching

Rechten / Rechten en rechtswetenschappen

2009 - 2010 (1 year)

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