As Global CEO for McCann Health, John is responsible for leading the world’s most connected community of health and wellness experts across six continents and focusing the commitment of more than 1600 employees on generating life-changing ideas that improve the health of humanity.
A true global citizen, John, on any given day can be found traveling across the McCann Health network spending equal amounts of time in the U.S., LATAM, EMEA, and APAC, meeting with clients and employees alike, supporting strong and influential businesses by fostering innovation in building health brands and playing a leading role in programs designed to improve health for all. John believes that a strong and consistent culture is essential for a successful global network and so has focused on creating this in McCann Health. A culture that through respect and tolerance is a powerful learning organization with a massive global footprint that gives them the unique ability to quickly understand the context of healthcare delivery across cultures and climates. And ultimately, how McCann Health takes this knowledge and injects it with creativity to help healthcare brands and businesses around the world play a more meaningful role in people’s lives.
In June 2016, when McCann Health won the coveted ‘2016 Network of the Year’ at Lions Health Festival in Cannes, John elaborated on the importance of creativity in healthcare communications saying, “Groundbreaking creativity is at the heart of everything we do at McCann Health. I’m grateful for the trust that our clients put in us to bring this creativity to their brands and customers.”
John started his career in Bio Medical Science in the field of immunology engaged in both clinical and laboratory research in immune-regulation within chronic infections and solid tumors at the prestigious Kolling Institute. He applied his health and medical learnings to both sales and marketing with leading healthcare companies such as Technicon in cell differentiation instrumentation and pharmaceutical marketing with Merck Sharpe and Dohme Pharmaceuticals.
John was a founding partner of CWFS Advertising–Australia and New Zealand’s leading healthcare communications company. In 1996, CWFS was acquired by McCann Worldgroup and became McCann Health, the world’s largest professional and consumer health communications network with an international expertise spanning 20 countries and 60 offices.
Following the acquisition of CWFS, John moved to China in 1998 and in 2004 was appointed Director of McCann Health Asia-Pacific. During his tenure, McCann Health APAC grew to include 12 offices in 9 key markets across the region, each one demonstrating best-of-class solutions for the networks’ healthcare clients. Under John’s leadership, McCann Health APAC was named Specialist Agency of the Year Award for 4 years in a row. In 2009, John assumed responsibility for both EMEA and APAC and in 2011, having built one of the most impressive global footprints in healthcare communications, he was promoted to Global CEO of McCann Health.
John continues to work with many of the top life sciences companies, globally, as an active member of the strategic teams. He has a keen personal interest in global and public health and acts as an advisor to many organizations in this arena. His areas of endeavor cover The Tobacco Control Framework, early Pandemic response and Pandemic Preparedness and Resilience with the World Health Organization, Maternal and early Childhood health (EWEC) with the UN, Polio Eradication with UNICEF and being part of a multidisciplinary team assisting health improvement with many of the world’s major governments. Under his leadership, McCann Global Health has worked closely with the USAID, GIZ, World Bank, PEPFAR, Clinton Global Initiative and created important health communications programs for UNICEF, J&J and The Coca-Cola Company.