I write because it’s my hobby. I write because it’s my habit. And I write because it’s my job. I’ve been a copywriter for more than five years in three different continents. I’ve worked for small and massive clients. I’ve seen 99% of my ideas die in different ways, and I’ve always woken up with the conviction of making the other 1% count.
Years of doing crosswords and reading pretty much everything I’ve had handy, allow me to know a little bit about profound and trivial topics - from astronomy to Britney stuff- but don’t get me started with soccer or music if you don’t have hours to talk.
Below you can see my experience - the brands and agencies I’ve worked for - and some awards and recognition I’ve gotten in these five years. If you want to see my favorite campaigns in the whole universe, go to www.writefelipe.com.
I genuinely wish you’re having a fantastic day. Thanks for reading, because as I said, I write because it’s my hobby, my habit, and my job.