Guido Antonini
Film Director at Estação Films and Yeti Films
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Guido Antonini Interview(s)

POV: Director

How would you describe what you do?
I'm a film director
How did you get into this job?
I was already trained in computer science, but I was a bit disgruntled with the area. In a nutshell: I was unhappy working with computers. So I made a reflection and saw that at the time I was young and had many opportunities, that I could go after some other profession or something that made me happy.

I then started to study Advertising and then started as a trainee in a production company. It was love at first sight. Soon in the first days of work I was sure that was what I wanted for my life. I started underneath, but with great dedication I managed to evolve in the company and after 7 years, i became a director.
What is most challenging about what you do?
The most challenging is to perform the work meeting the customer expectations versus the time and money I have available. The advertising market in Brazil is each time with less money with the same requirement. I believe that this is a natural process of things ... technology is there to improve everyone's lives and cheapen costs, but a "video for the internet" is not cheaper than a production for TV. The professionals, equipment and methods involved are the same.
What is most rewarding?
Listen the people comment about your movie. For the good or for worse, hahahaha! This is proof that you have somehow reached the goal. Was seen. It was remembered. And yet as a plus, the movie has gained a survival beyond television / social networks.
What’s a typical work week like?
Meetings with the agency, research references, hold team meetings to discuss the work. Create and develop the best for the end result.
What needs to happen the most in order for a shoot to run smoothly?
A coherent deadline for pre-production. In particular, I am one of those directors who believes that work is done during pre-production. A good pre-production makes it possible to minimize (or eliminate!) problems that may occur in the set. If the pre-production is well done, the set will occur quietly. It will be a smooth and fun set. And that prints from the final result ... believe me.
Whats your best job/worst job?
I believe that my best work is a campaign that I film for the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion of Ecuador (MIES). It's a visually beautiful campaign, and where all the work worked out the best way possible. We had a good time to do the pre-production and the team was in full tune.

My worst job was just the opposite. A very pre-production time job. Held between Christmas and New Year. With a second line team (because all the good professionals were on Holidays). Total chaos !!!
What advice would you offer someone considering a career as a Director?
Persistence! You will receive many "no", you will suffer with the distrust of agencies and clients. Low budgets... But believe in your potential. Believe in yourself. It will not be easy, but with a lot of effort, work and dedication it is possible to get there (I hope to one day I get there too).

If you had one project that you could post on AdForum to represent your work, what would it be?
This campaign I spoke of MIES (Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion) of Ecuador. I recorded with real people, real stories. I was an Indian tribe, with a cocoa producer, fishermen, and a seamstress. Simple people, but they make a difference. I have a special affection for this campaign.
Finally tell us something that most people don’t know about being a Director?
Behind this glamor that people believe exists, there is a lot of work and bad sleeping hours. Meetings and meetings ... endless! Often to discuss the color of the curtain (you will not even see it in the movie!). Constant fights with the financial staff to try to earn a little more money for that camera (or lens) that can make a difference. You will have dark circles under your eyes and you will be exhausted, but at the end of the process, at the film's presentation, when you get the agency and the client, you'll see that the effort paid off.

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