Kate arrived at SS+K 13 years ago, certain there had to be a better way.
She had been working in public affairs for several years at the time, alongside a lot of people who thought and sounded just like her. And she felt uninspired. Why didn’t she get to play with creativity, design and innovation, like her friends in the advertising world? As it turned out, SS+K was way ahead of her, and she’s been at home here ever since.
Since then, she’s gotten to work alongside a team from every imaginable discipline, from artists to data wonks. Some projects that have gotten her out of bed in the morning include mobilizing the youth vote for President Obama [twice], advising Starbucks on how to live their values, coaching Samsung on how to build brand love out of a crisis, and rallying teachers for the Gates Foundation.
Now COO of SS+K, Kate is responsible for translating the mission into action, and generally managing the happy chaos of the agency.
In 2011, Kate was selected by The Impact Center as a Women’s Leadership Fellow. She sits on the Board of the City College of New York’s Branding and Integrated Communications Master’s degree program, where she has also taught.
Kate lives in Brooklyn Heights with her husband. She is a graduate of Amherst College, where she learned good English and bad French.