After a five year degree in advertising, Kike earned a Masters in Art Direction and Copy Writing at Watford University.
Later, he joined the D&AD Creative Courses in London, which became his entry door to working on top European Creative Boutiques like WCRS, Kessels Kramer, SCPF. There he worked for clients such as BMW, Ikea, San Miguel, ONO, Nintendo, Orange and also won pitches for Nike, Ikea and various international creative awards.
He became Creative Director in charge of the Nike account in Spain. He became Executive Creative Director at Saatchi & Saatchi Saigon, followed by Regional Executive Creative Director in West and Central Africa.
On his way to Latin America, he became Regional Executive Creative Director. To complete the loop around the globe, he became International Creative Director in Publicis Bangkok before his current position as a Chief Creative Officer in Publicis Indonesia.