Marcelo Tripoli
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Zmes
São Paulo, Brazil
TitleSunscreen for enclosed spaces
Campaign Sunscreen for enclosed spaces
Advertiser Needs
Brand Needs
PostedDecember 2023
Business Sector Suntan Products
Philosophy Although essential for skin care, 70% of Brazilians do not use sunscreen on a daily basis. Even at home or in the office, solar rays cause damage to the skin, as does the blue light from electronic devices. To raise awareness about the need for sunscreen use in enclosed environments, the Zmes agency has created a new product for Needs: the Indoor Protector.

More than 20 influencers received what appeared to be Needs' new release at their homes: Sunscreen for enclosed spaces. However, upon opening the package, influencers were surprised. Beneath the label of the new sunscreen was the traditional Needs Solar Beauty SPF 70 sunscreen, reinforcing the brand's commitment to high-quality skincare products regardless of the environment. The campaign also includes digital media with ads that viewers cannot skip, accompanied by a complementary message stating that you also cannot skip the sun, emphasizing the importance of sun protection.

The initiative will be promoted on the social media accounts of partner influencers, Needs' channels, and the Droga Raia and Drogasil pharmacy chains. Additionally, in the coming days, Needs is preparing an activation at six locations in São Paulo with the Skin Tower equipped with Needs SPF 70 sunscreen. This initiative aims to reinforce the importance of using sunscreen daily and anywhere. The Skin Tower activation will consist of a tower with sunscreen, where the public will have the opportunity to learn about and feel the product's quality on their skin.

All these initiatives are part of a comprehensive summer campaign that began in October with the free distribution of over 1,500 Needs Solar Beauty SPF 70 sunscreens throughout Brazil.
Media Type Product Design/Development
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