Alexis Benbehe
Creative Director at DDB Paris
PARIS, France
TitleThe Seven Worlds
BriefHennessy X.O is one of the world's most prized cognac blends, with a rich and unique taste. A taste made of seven tasting notes. The Seven Worlds is a four-minute film that embarks on a visual odyssey of the senses. Each chapter is a world that visually represents one of the cognac's notes in a surreal, sensorial science-fiction narrative, masterfully directed by Ridley Scott.
Campaign The Seven Worlds
Advertiser Hennessy
Brand Hennessy

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Media Type Web Film
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Director R...ey S...t Subscribers Only
Sound Production ..E S...d Pr.....ion Subscribers Only
Executive Creative Director K....ev Subscribers Only
Creative Director Subscribers Only
Creative Director B....he Subscribers Only
Agency TV Producer L...oz Subscribers Only
Music Composer D...el Pe.....on Subscribers Only

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