I am a Freelance Creative Director based in Berlin.
I grew up in Berlin Kreuzberg, back in the days when you still added the West in front of Germany and discovered my love for photography early on through my father, who was a documentary photographer. After spending a year in London, trying to get rid of my German accent, I studied graphic design at the Lette Verein in Berlin. My first working experience was at the Estudio Mariscal in Barcelona, where the film I worked on ended up with an Oscar nomination. And I ate a lote of Serrano ham.
Back in Berlin I started working at Jung von Matt/Spree before becoming an Art Director at DDB Berlin. I stayed there for 9 years and worked my way up to become a Creative Director leading an amazing international team. During this time I was part of a work exchange program with DDB New York and took a sabbatical to backpack through Latin America.
I was never member of any club until I was elected to be a member of the Art Directors Club Germany.