If you?ve seen Bob sit still, you haven?t seen Bob. He disproves the adage that you can?t be in two places at once ? which makes it understandable that Bob handles two of the most difficult agency jobs simultaneously: President and Co-Creative.
Along the way, Bob was named one of the top Art Directors in the country by Ad Age. His work has been cited by Time Magazine, The New York Times and The Museum of Broadcasting. He was included recently in a compendium of advertising called Advertising Today.
Bob has caused people to eat more hot dogs (Hebrew National - ?We Answer To A Higher Authority?), write more letters and shave more (Bic Pens and Shavers), call home more (AT&T Universal Card), listen to more music (Pioneer Stereo Equipment and Maxell Audio and Video) and go to the movies a whole different way ( Moviefone).
Bob is so busy running around, he?s never had time to unpack all the awards he?s won.