Santosh Padhi
Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder at Taproot Dentsu
Mumbai, India
TitleThe Watching Posters
Campaign The Watching Posters
Advertiser Panasonic HD CCTV
Brand Panasonic CCTV Cameras
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 8
Business Sector Consumer Electronics & Audio-Visual
Philosophy The idea was simply to demonstrate the ever-watching quality of the Panasonic CCTV cameras in person to the consumers. So, we created innovate 3D sculpted posters of security personnel. These portraits were then engraved in reverse to help create the magical movement of their heads, up to 180-degree sideways as well as upwards and downwards. Thus mimicking what the CCTV cameras did in reality.
Creative Execution
We created these simple yet innovate 3D sculpted posters of security personnel. These portraits were then engraved in reverse to help create the magical movement of their heads, up to 180-degree sideways as well as upwards and downwards. put these uncommon posters in malls with high footfalls in major metros across the country. Due to the interactive nature of these posters, they delivered the messages loud and clear through this simple and effective piece of communication.
Indication Of How Successful The Outcome Was In The Market
The campaign garnered over 200 thousand interactions, the consumers spent 300% percent more time, compared to normal posters. There was a sharp spike of 32% in inquiries and a 12% jump in sales, thus making Panasonic CCTV cameras one of the top recalled brands.
In a country like India anything that is human and interactive, tend to attract a lot more eyeballs. And that is exactly what we did. The discerning consumer in India was inundated with choices that obfuscated the real purpose of CCTV cameras; that of deterrence. To get the attention of the consumer, we had to literally draw their attention towards the cameras, by literally following their every move. For this consumer, often, the proof is in the pudding, and we found a way to demonstrate the ability of these CCTV cameras effectively.
Media Type Outdoor/Out of Home
Video Editor
Video Editor
Chief Creative Officer
Chief Creative Officer
Production Head
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
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