Barbara vaira
TV producer at Freelance
Paris, France
TitleHip Hop
Title (original language)Hip Hop
Campaign Axe Hip Hop - Elida Fabergé
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Axe
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2002 / 3
Product Shower Gel
Product (original language) Gel Douche
Business Sector Bath, Shower Gels
Story A man takes a shower with Axe shower gel. The roof collapses, he falls down on the floor below, naked, face to about 10 girls who take a gym lesson
Story (original language) Un homme prend une douche avec du gel douche Axe. Le plafond s'écroule, il atterrit à l'étage en dessous, tout nu, devant une dizaine de filles qui prennent un cours de gym.
Problem This film was used in France to launch a new range of shower gels.
Problem (original language) Ce film a été utilisé en France pour lancer une toute nouvelle gamme de gels douche.
Media Type Television
Market France
Production Company
Creative Director
Associate Creative Director
Art Director
Director of Photography (DOP)

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