Richard Wilde

Richard Wilde

Chairman at School of Visual Arts
New York, United States

About me

Chairman Graphic Design & Advertising, School of Visual Arts.

Richard Wilde grew up in Brooklyn near Coney Island where he became an avid collector of Coney Island whitefish as well as one of the world's leading Gefilte Fisherman.

But this early success wasn't enough for Richard. Spurned by his first love, the Brooklyn Dodgers, Richard vowed he would never again focus his energies on just one thing. He would focus on everything. And so he did.

Today, Richard has truly become a role model playing as many things as he can. He has at various times been a chairperson, a table person, a lecturer, a guest, an art director, an art dealer, an artist and a bullshit artist. Richard, in his spare time, acts as a husband, father, cousin, explorer, pervert, moil, quaterback, cultural anthropologist and, of course shepherd. To many, Richard is a guru - to his rabbi he's a Jew.

While Richard never grew up to become the cowboy he dreamed of being, he did become in Indian giver, not to mention, and Indian wrestling champion. Despite the fact that Richard is both a cross-dresser and a crossing guard, to his brother, the Doctor, he will always be just a patient.

In addition to being a Senior Vice President at Ryan Drossman & Partners' advertising agency, a graphic designer, illustrator and head of the Graphic Design and Advertising departments at the School of Visual Arts, teacher, international lecturer and creator of Experimental Creativity Workshops, Richard has won over 100 awards including New York Art Directors Club, Andys, New York Type Directors Club, American Institute of Graphic Arts, Society of Illustrators, One Show, Communication Arts, Print Casebooks and Creativity Society of Publication Designers.

And, by the way, Richard is a world class liar.

Sector Experience


School of Visual Arts

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