They start their careers separately: Roberto in Benton & Bowles while Aldo in Admarco Florence.
In 1983 they meet each other in CPV Kenyon & Eckhardt. Two years later, after having signed campaign for Plasmon, Iveco, Misura and Club Méditerranée, Aldo and Roberto move to Pirella Gottsche, creating campaigns for Schwarzkopf, Liabel, Fendi, Krizia, Henkel and Braun.
In 1988, they enter as associated creative directors in McCann Erickson working on Vernel, Martini and Cornetto Algida (Walls). Two years later they are back to Pirella Gottsche Lowe where they work on Pastificio Rana, Braun, Henkel, Condè Nast, La Repubblica and Q8.
In the Agency they fix a 12 years? fidelity record starting as Creative Directors and then becoming Executive and entering the board of Directors in 1996. In this period they work on the Agency clients, among which Volvo and Superga winning many international awards (one Gold Lion and one Bronze Lion in Cannes; one Gold Clio in N.Y.)
The merger with Lintas brings them to work on new Clients as Sagit, Lever, Nestlè, Excite, Aprilia, British Telecommunications, Axa. In the same period they win three more Cannes Lions.