John Risdall

John Risdall

Chairman / CEO at Risdall Advertising Agency
New Brighton, United States

About me

? Mounds View High School 1963
? University of Minnesota 1963-1968 Speech & Humanities
? Various Postgraduate Seminars:
University of Wisconsin-Marketing, New Product Development, A.M.A. Seminars, etc.

1972-Present: Chairman/CEO ? Risdall Advertising ? a full-service advertising agency serving over 300 clients in 14 countries and throughout the USA. Ad Age ranks us 88th among 27,000 U.S. advertising agencies. Business Journal ranks the agency 4th in Minnesota among more than 500 ad agencies. Billings exceed $110 million.

1995-Present: Risdall Advertising Agency Interactive ? the leading web design and development firm in Minnesota, ranked by AdWeek as the 41st largest interactive agency in the nation ? the only Minnesota firm in the top 50.
1982-Present: Chairman of the Board/CEO/Director ? Magnum Research, Inc. ? as president, restructured sporting goods importer ? put together financing packages of $9,800,000 and $3,000,000 ? invented and markets the Desert Eagle Pistol, along with 12 other product lines.

1976-Present: Director of Strategic Planning, Smith System Manufacturing Co. ? manufacturer of educational and office furniture.
1990-1998: Director and Past Chairman of the Board, CEO of Clinch-On Products ? manufacturer of building materials.

1998-Present: Chairman ? Risdall Advertising Agency Business Incubator ? largest business incubator in Minnesota.

1964-1967, 1970-1971: Copywriter, Account Executive ? Harold C. Walker Advertising ? consumer and industrial accounts ? from Blue Cross to Despatch Industries.

1967-1969: Account Supervisor ? Autographics Corporation ? various packaged goods accounts ? Pillsbury Co., Sara Lee Foods, Kraft Foods, General Foods, Jeno's, etc.

1969-1970: Copywriter, Account Executive ? Blanchard & Associates ? various industrial, consumer accounts ? Benson Optical, Augsburg Publishing Co., etc.

Community Involvement:
New Brighton Chamber of Commerce Citizen Of The Year award, 1991
New Brighton Chamber of Commerce, Past President, Director, Chairperson of Charitable Giving Committee, Founder
New Brighton Rotary Club, Founder, Past President, Governor's Area Representative, District Officer, Newsletter Editor
Roseville Rotary Club, Former Member
City of New Brighton Cable Communications Citizens Advisory Commission, Chairperson
North Suburban Cable Communications Commission, Founder, Past Director
City of New Brighton Economic Development Commission, Past Vice Chairperson, Past Director
City of New Brighton Ad Hoc Marketing Committee, Chairperson
City of New Brighton Centennial Commission, Director
Stockyard Days, Inc., Founder
Antique Car Run ? New London to New Brighton, Founder
Suburban Area Chamber of Commerce, Past Director
Mounds View School District # 621 Community Relations Council, Chairperson
North Suburban Gavel Association, 1987 Leadership Recognition Award
Magnum Research Trophy Club, Honorary Member
Magnum University, Chancellor

Personal: Married, four children: Ted, Tim, Jennifer, Lily
Passion: A connoisseur of desserts.


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