Hired: August 1996
A Texas-born gal, she thrived in that great state for her first 16 consecutive years on the planet ? then lived in London for two years ? and returned to the Southwest until she transplanted herself to Minneapolis in 1993.
RAA Specializations:
Telecommunications, High Tech, Non-Profits, Search Optimization.
? Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas: B.A.s in Business and International Studies
? American Graduate School of International Management, Thunderbird Campus in Glendale, Arizona:
M.B.A. with an international focus on the European market.
? She has a working knowledge of French, Spanish and Latin.
? American Association of Advertising Agencies: Institute of Advanced Advertising Studies:
extensive advertising course
Search Optimization Specialist:
Jennifer started the Search Optimization department in 1997/98 and attended SEStrategies conferences in 1999, 2001, 2002.
Risdall Kinship:
Related by marriage.
Little-Known Childhood Facts:
Competed in Scottish Highland dancing until high school. Learned to dive off the high dive at age 4. Used to create art from Coca-Cola bottlecaps.
Collectible miniatures from her travels. Anything that has to do with Texas.
To be happy and challenged.
Reading (mystery & sci-fi mostly), writing, golfing, biking, working out, cooking and travel (especially to England, Scotland, Ireland, and, of course, Texas). Jen is also very involved in volunteer work through the Junior League of St. Paul and Northwest Youth & Family Services.
Previous Experiences:
Jen has been interested in a variety of vocations in her working life. Her experiences have included work as an art intern at D Magazine (the city magazine of Dallas, Texas), a travel agent, and a tax accountant.
Jen says: ?I?m excited about working on the cusp of evolving media. It?s interesting to be on the cutting edge and watch things grow and develop.?