Marina Zuber

Marina Zuber

Presidente at TBWA/Paris
Paris, France

About me

Global business director with 20 years of experience in growing leading brands through effective and creative world-class campaigns A skilled strategist and forward thinking marketer who delivers excellence in brand strategies and communications. Recognized for strong leadership and passion for driving great creative. - Marketing and Brand Strategy - Global account leadership - Global Client relationship management and growth - Integrated Communications Plans - Excellence in selling creative ideas - Digital and social creativity - Multinational Team building & career management - P&L Responsibility


Directrice Commerciale
Paris, France
July 2017 - June 2018 (11 months)
Global Business Director
New York, United States
August 2012 - August 2015 (3 years)
- Unilever and Pepsi JV beverages, Unilever ice cream business for North America : Lipton/ Lipton iced tea, Pure Leaf (Pepsi Unilever JV), Breyers and Popsicle
- Pro-bono accounts : The Smithsonian's National Zoo and The Wildlife Conservation Society

Lipton is a €5 bn business globally with a growth of +10-12%.
NA is the largest market for Lipton with €1,9 bn.
Breyers is a local jewel with €420mm business (#2 food brand for Unilever in NA, #2 IC brand for Unilever globally)

Key achievements :
• Won in February 2015 a new global piece of Unilever-Pepsi business
• Won the 2015 North American Effie Award on Breyers Gelato in the Renaissance category
• DDB named Unilever’s agency of the year in September 2014
• Re-gained the NA Unilever business from DDB Toronto back to the NY office after 1 month only
on the job
• Built an entire new team dedicated to the Unilever business
• Turned a crisis relationship with the client into a solid trustworthy one : our appraisals have been
up from 2/5 to 4/5 across all accounts
• Built a relationship with Unilever global leadership in London, established the NA
business as their first priority, and gained the leadership of global campaigns out of DDB NY
• Turned red Millward Brown Preview scores on previous Lipton/Breyers ads into green
• Led new campaigns for Breyers and Lipton, and in both cases turned downward sales trends
to positive growth - a first, after years of losing share
• Interviewed by the New York Times in January 2013 on the re-appraisal Lipton campaign

On the Smithsonian's National Zoo :

• Launched The #EndangeredSong Project on Earth Day 2014, a purely social influencer campaign. Hugh Jackman tweeted The Endangered Song. It was a winner at the Radio Mercury Awards for Innovative Use of Radio, got shortlisted at Cannes Lions and won a Clio Bronze for Music – Innovation Media. I was selected to be a speaker at a panel at 2015 SXSW.
European Business Director
Paris, France
December 2008 - July 2012 (3 years 7 months)
European Regional Business Director Lipton (Unilever)/ Ice Tea (Pepsi)

Key achievements on Lipton /Lipton Ice Tea
- Turned a collection of fragmented product ads into a consistent system that builds a strong distinctive brand communication territory
- Re-built the brand architecture, generated a new brand communication idea & a new brand signature
- Built integrated campaigns throughout all media with an increasing role of digital
- Raised the bar creatively with campaigns noticed in the advertising award shows (shortlist at Cannes, FWA, Creativity, Shots, Campaign,…)
- Improved the efficiency of campaigns with great impact on Lipton sales/ share/growth
- Turned red-orange Millward Brown Preview scores on previous Lipton ads into all Green
- Turned a non-profitable into a profitable business for the agency
- Re-built a strong dedicated team of 15 persons from scratch
- Europe took the leadership over other regions in generating worldwide campaigns
- An excellent Unilever appraisal over the past 3 years : 6/ 7 in 2009 & 2010, 4/5 in 2011

Remarkable campaigns
- Swimming Pool Red Fruit campaign, ran in +30 countries
Quoted by Campaign, Finalist of the 2009 French Effie Prize, Finalist of the European Effie Prize
- Green and White tea campaign
- Tokyo Hotel Lipton Ice Tea integrated campaign starring Hugh Jackman: massive success globally (exclusing the US) (+12% in sales), rolled-out in >30 countries
- Sensorial Travel Exclusive Collection Pyramid teas billboard + experiential website, music video (Spot of the week on Shots, site of the day on FWA, quoted by Ads of the World, Fubiz, Contagious,…)
- Lipton Yellow Label campaign starring Pierce Brosnan for Russia & CEE won the Gold Effie Prize 2011: the market share of Lipton Yellow Label was up +23,3%, and the turnover +70,30%. Lipton was nominated Best Brand 2011 in Russia.
Directrice associée
Pantin, France
1999 - 2008 (9 years)

2006-2008 Business Director
- Kraft Food coffee brands (Carte Noire, Velours Noir, J.Vabre),
- Kraft LU Biscuits and Breakfast, LU Salty
- Sofitel (Tim Walker print campaign)
- Piper Heidsieck Rémy-Cointreau campaign Rare (partnership with C. Louboutin), Eckes-Granini (Joker & Granini)
• 2 Kraft World-class campaigns on Carte Noire (Airport & Dive)
• Cyber Crystal Méribel Festival 2007 for « »
• Gold Top Com 2007 : « »
• Global IMC Award 2007

2002-2005 Account Director
- Peugeot 607 Feline & In the City
• Epica Bronze Peugeot 607 Columns Print
- Kraft Food coffee brands (Carte Noire, Velours Noir)
- Cadbury Schweppes (Hollywood CG, Stimorol, Kiss Cool)
• Effie Prize Hollywood 2002
• 1st Prize of the EuroRSCG Worldwide contest « Creative Business Idea » within the network (Award in 2003)
- Danone LU biscuits

1999-2002 Account supervisor
- Peugeot 206 Saga + launch of 3 new cars 307, 607, 807
• Campaign 406 Bulldozer in 1999
• Saga 206 including Retinal scan
• Effie Prize Peugeot 206 in 2000
- Kraft/Cadbury Hollywood-Tonigum-Stimorol
- Danone Lu Biscuits
• Cannes Lion Bronze LU Mikado La Photocopieuse in 2000


HEC 1997

1993 - 1997 (4 years)
1st Prize Winner – President A-list- Field Of StudyEconomics & business management, spécialization in Entrepreneurship (Major Entrepreneur in 1997) Other activities: Athletic Club,&Theatre Club

Master (Licence) in Philosophy

1994 - 1995 (1 year)

HEC preparation class

1991 - 1993 (2 years)

Bachelor's degree S (Mathematics & Physics)

1989 - 1991 (2 years)

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