Florian Grimm
Creative Managing Director at DDB Hamburg
London, United Kingdom
TitleNazis against Nazis - Germany's most involuntary charity walk
Campaign Nazi vs Nazis
Advertiser ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur
Brand EXIT-Deutschland
PostedSeptember 2015
Business Sector Others
Problem On 15 November 2014, we surprised hundreds of neo-Nazis at their annual march in the German town of Wunsiedel by turning their demonstration into something positive: a charity walk. For every metre the neo-Nazis covered, €10 went to EXIT-Deutschland – an NGO that helps neo-Nazis leave the far-right scene (the money was collected from citizens and regional companies beforehand). So we left them with two options: to either sponsor their own downfall or abandon the march through Wunsiedel for the first time in 20 years.
With giant banners and chalk writings all along the route, we made sure the neo-Nazis and the general public immediately understood the idea of neo-Nazis unwittingly donating against themselves. Motivated in this way, the neo-Nazis went the full distance and raised €10,000 to help their own members leave the scene. As the neo-Nazis set off, so did a meticulously planned campaign. Via a microsite, Twitter, Facebook and carefully chosen social media influencers, we started the live coverage. Even during the march, 21,000 people visited the microsite and helped us spread the word.
In next to no time, the campaign gained its own dynamics and the media worldwide reported about the “Miracle of Wunsiedel” – using our content as a central element. In the end, we not only amazed millions of people in Germany, but also made the work of EXIT-Deutschland famous virtually overnight.
Media Type Case Study
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