Craig Cutler, New York based photographer and director, is known for his conceptual photography, and unwavering commitment to his creative process. Cutler's clients include Audi, Nascar, Mercedes-Benz, Bombay Gin, IBM and Starbucks. In the fall of 2012, Craig completed CC52: The Exhibition, an expansive multimedia exhibition that showcased original photography, film, and mixed media that he
created over 52 weeks.
Craig is deeply committed to the collaborative process, working with clients to transform ideas into images, and those images into stories. When a client presents Craig with an idea that ignites his imagination, he immediately begins sketching, and it is these initial ruminations on an idea that give rise to the final images.
Craig’s editorial work has been seen within the pages of everything from Bloomberg Businessweek to Bon Appétit. His work is held in private collections and has been exhibited at the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh. He has earned accolades from PDN, the British One Club and the New York Addy Awards.