David Baldwin

David Baldwin

Lead Guitar at Baldwin&
Raleigh, United States

About me

Current One Club chair and former McKinney ECD David Baldwin has teamed with former McKinney GCD Bob Ranew to launch a new Durham, N.C.-based "creative practice" called Baldwin&.

"We call it a creative practice because we 're interested in doing advertising, design and branded content solutions," says Baldwin, whose past projects include Audi's "Art of the Heist" and the launch of Travelocity's Gnome campaign. "Everyone here is considered a creative. If you're a strategic planner, you're still a creative strategic planner."

While the shop officially launched in late December, a lot of Baldwin's recent time has been occupied by his role as an executive producer on Art & Copy, the Doug Pray-directed documentary that debuted at Sundance and shines a light on the ad business with interviews with folks like Dan Wieden, Hal Riney and George Lois. It's exactly the type of project Baldwin sees the new shop being creatively invested in. "Ideally, we'd like it to be a 50/50 split between doing work for our own brands and others'."

Right now the agency has a population of six that includes creatives, a designer, a strategic planner and an accounts person and is currently signed up for project-based work for troubled telecom giant Nortel. "We're taking care of their post-bankruptcy communications, helping them get back on track as a company with a lot of positive things going for it that has had trouble in the current economic climate," says Baldwin. "It's a perfect client for us, as we see ourselves as change agents and look forward to working with them more."


Brand Master/Co-Founder
Ponysaurus Brewing Co.
September 2013 - Present (11 years 6 months)
Find out more at www.ponysaurusbrewing.com
Lead Guitar
Raleigh, United States
February 2009 - Present (16 years 1 month)
Here’s what we believe our business is about:

We want to do great, provocative things that have an effect in the world.
Have fun doing it!
Have good quality of Life outside of work.
Run a great business.
In that order.

What we do:

Advertising / Design / Brand Content
Strategic development / Product development
Interactive strategy / creative and execution / Web development / Search management / Brand ID / Marketing Audit / Trend Analysis / Consumer Research (Qualitative and Quantitative) / Strategic Planning / Target Definition and Market Segmentation / Brand and Product Concepts / Ideas in All Manners and Media / Evaluation and Measurement of Effectiveness

We create our own brands.
We create our own companies.
We create our own luck.
We’ll do anything that sounds like fun and lets us live our mission.
One Club for Art & Copy
June 2004 - May 2009 (4 years 11 months)
David Was the Chairman of the Board of the One Club for Art and Copy, in New York City.
Creative Director/Partner
October 1994 - May 1997 (2 years 7 months)
Cole & Weber, Portland
1991 - 1994 (3 years)
Hal Riney & Partners, SF
1990 - 1991 (1 year)
New York, United States
1988 - 1990 (2 years)
Della Femina Travisano & Partners/ Della Femina McNamee
1986 - 1988 (2 years)
McCaffrey and McCall
1985 - 1986 (1 year)
This agency was basically Sterling/Cooper thrust 25 years into the future. I worked on Seagrams, Hartford Insurance, and Swan Lager.


BS, Advertising

1982 - 1985 (3 years)

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