2021 AICP/NEXT Award Winners

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Purpose Driven Advertising
2021 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Purpose Driven Advertising

Not a Gun

AGENCY: Goodby Silverstein & Partners
BRAND: Courageous Conversation Global Foundation
CATEGORY: Purpose Driven Advertising
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: Courageous Conversation Global Foundation

2021 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Purpose Driven Advertising

The Unfinished Votes

AGENCY: McCann Health
BRAND: Change the ref
CATEGORY: Purpose Driven Advertising
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: Change the ref

2021 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Purpose Driven Advertising

Glass Ceiling Breaker

BRAND: National Women's History Museum and Chief
CATEGORY: Purpose Driven Advertising
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: National Women's History Museum