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Rak'n'Roll Foundation
2015 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Original Branded Digital or Social media
Branded Content & Entertainment

Photos for Life - a charity photo bank

AGENCY: Isobar Poland
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll Win Your Life! foundation
YEAR: 2015
CATEGORY: Original Branded Digital or Social media
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Rak'n'Roll Foundation

2015 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Winner - Charities, Public Health, Safety & Awareness Messages
2013 The Eurobest Awards - Silver - Best use or integration of music
Branded Content & Entertainment

Rak'n'Roll Records - a Charity Record Label

AGENCY: 180heartbeats + JvM
BRAND: Rak'n'Roll
YEAR: 2013
CATEGORY: Best use or integration of music
AWARD: Silver
ADVERTISER: Rak'n'Roll Foundation