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2016 The Eurobest Awards - Silver Eurobest - Use of Digital Platforms

Every Day a Play

AGENCY: Y&R Budapest
BRAND: Katona József Theatre
CATEGORY: Use of Digital Platforms
AWARD: Silver Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Katona József Theatre

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Use of Digital Platforms
Promo & Activation

Girls of Paradise

AGENCY: McCann Paris
BRAND: Mouvement du Nid
CATEGORY: Use of Digital Platforms
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Mouvement du Nid

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Use of Digital Platforms
Promo & Activation

Girls of Paradise

AGENCY: McCann Paris
BRAND: Mouvement du Nid
CATEGORY: Use of Digital Platforms
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Mouvement du Nid

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Use of Digital Platforms
Promo & Activation

Sneak Preview

AGENCY: Serviceplan Group
BRAND: Saturn Juke!
CATEGORY: Use of Digital Platforms
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Saturn Corp.

2016 The Eurobest Awards - Bronze Eurobest - Use of Digital Platforms

Sneak Preview

AGENCY: Serviceplan Group
BRAND: Saturn Juke!
CATEGORY: Use of Digital Platforms
AWARD: Bronze Eurobest
ADVERTISER: Saturn Corp.