Chalu Weerakoon
Account Manager at WundermanThompson
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Campaign Laojee
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Laojee
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2017 / 6
Business Sector Coffee, Tea, Chocolate Drinks, Breakfast Drinks
Story This 120-second commercial depicts a newly married couple, a Muslim girl and Sinhala boy who are expecting their first child. When the boy’s parents visit them, it becomes clear that the couple has married against their parents’ wishes. The girl in the commercial is seen brewing Laojee tea for the inlaws. As the air fills with the aroma of Laojee tea, it exudes a mood of warmth. Reflecting the brand purpose of brewing togetherness, the daughter-in-law takes a cup of Laojee tea to her father-in-law who is waiting outside the home, despite knowing that he may not be pleased to interact with her. As he sips the tea appreciatively, it instantly puts him in an amiable mood and he promises to visit again the next day. By accepting the cup of tea brewed by his daughter-in-law reflects his acceptance of their marriage and desire to come together as a family unit at last.
Result Popular tea brand ‘Laojee’ made a splash in the local market recently with an emotionally resonating television commercial, that evoked the genuine qualities associated with the brand, whilst also imparting a subtle social message of inter-racial marriages which remain a sensitive issue in South Asia, often considered taboo amongst conservative families in Sri Lanka and neighbouring countries. the strong emotional connect the TVC has forged with viewers is reflected in the fact that is the fastest Unilever video in Sri Lanka to reach 2.5 million viewers. The commercial has recorded an organic view rate of 31% for a branded video and the lowest digital investment to achieve 1 million views for a branded video. Further, the post reached 2.5 million people. In total, the video reached 848,000 unique viewers and 1.2 million views. The tight editing of the video and the warmth of the emotions in the commercial has made the Laojee TVC qualitatively the most positively engaged Facebook video for a Unilever brand ever.
Media Type Television
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Client Services Director
Account Executive
Account Executive
Production Company
Director of Photography (DOP)

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