Serkant Oguz
Marketing Manager at Unilever
Munich, Germany
TitleForeigners in!
Title (original language)Aus Lenn der Rhein
Campaign Noise Against Nazis
Advertiser Laut gegen Nazis
Brand Laut gegen Nazis
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 1
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Tagline Say it loud. That makes the difference
Philosophy To commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, Laut gegen Nazis e.V. (Loud Against Nazis) and Serviceplan Campaign in Munich teamed up to launch a wide-ranging creative campaign calling for moral courage against right-wing extremism and racism. Featuring the slogan “Say it loud. That makes the difference”, a total of 8 different posters were published on International Holocaust Memorial Day across Germany, in the form of digital, out-of-home advertising, and 5 different print advertisements were published in the daily newspapers of the Funke media group and also in magazines. On TikTok, the #NahtZiehsRaus Challenge, supported by TikTok itself and prominent creators has gone viral with 11.1 million views and counting. The TikTok Challenge is to shout, sing or dance the hashtag in a video as loudly and as creatively possible. The campaign caught the attention of Holocaust survivor Esther Bejarano, who appeared during the German “Tagesschau” (Daily News) on the ARD programme, which featured the TikTok hashtag. On Instagram, supporters can create posts using a specially developed Instagram filter against right-wing violence. The integrated media planning of the campaign was carried out within the Serviceplan Group and was the responsibility of the Mediaplus Group. The campaign is supported by prominent celebrities, partners and friends of TikTok including Zentralrat der Juden (Official “Head”-Organisation of the jews in Germany), Caro Dauer (German Influencer) and Hans Sarpei (Ex Footballer), who all took part in the TikTok Challenge. People’s first reaction on reading the posters is probably amazement and incomprehension., but that’s all part of the idea. Encouraged by the slogan “Say it loud. That makes the difference”, the text must be spoken out loud so that the incomprehensible strings of syllables and words become messages against racism and discrimination, and encourage more tolerance. “Naht zieh’s raus” are when you read them all German words, but they do not fit together, and the sentence makes no sense (it reads something like “Seam pull out”). But when you “read it all loud it comes together as “Nazis raus” which means “Nazis out”.
Media Type Print
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