Su-Chin Chow
Graphic Designer at Motion Sickness
Auckland, New Zealand
BriefTo help our message hit home, we brought online issues to parent's doorsteps – literally. In this case, scantily clad porn stars Sue and Derek come knocking. While flustered at first, importantly the parent then handles it like a boss, demonstrating the key advice to parents - stay calm, because ‘you've got this’. The ad makes key points based on research, such as ease of access to pornography, and importance of consent. We close on a concise statistic which brings home the widespread prevalence of the issue at hand, as well as a call to action to drive traffic to the New Zealand Government’s online resources to help support these often difficult conversations that follow.Humour and the accessible tone of the ad play a crucial role in sparking conversations between parents and young people across the nation, on a topic often seen as taboo or too awkward to discuss.
Campaign Keep It Real Online
Advertiser New Zealand Government
Brand New Zealand Government

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PostedNovember 2020
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Television & Cinema
Creative Director ..m St.....ry Subscribers Only
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Director of Photography (DOP) M...y Subscribers Only
Graphic Designer C..w Subscribers Only

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