Zinka Mendoza
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Circus Grey
Lima, Peru
TitleThe Emancipation Loan - Board
Campaign The Emancipation Loan
Advertiser Mibanco
Brand Mibanco
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 4
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Story Peru is a most macho-minded country.
For most Peruvian men, women should dedicate themselves to being housewives before thinking about fulfilling their dreams.
Here, married women cannot access to credit to start a business without their husband's permission. So, millions of women in the country to be economically and financially dependent on their partners.
Peruvian married women don't have financial freedom and the financial system is to be blamed.
As an industry-wide policy, the signature of the husband is a mandatory requirement for women who ask for a loan. But, if the husband wants to control his wife's life, he simply need to deny his signature.
This macho mentality policy exists because the banks assumes that women cannot support themselves.
This mandatory requirement has as a consequence man forcing women to live in a total sexist control.
A terrible situation that also causes physical and psychological violence against women. It mistreats their self-esteems and impedes them from fulfilling their dreams.
A situation that needs to be changed.
Philosophy Mibanco changed its risk policies to consider all married women in the country as single, eliminating the husband's signature from the mandatory requirements to access a loan.
We literally transformed the physical contract, deleting the space where the husband signature was.
So that when a woman receives it, she will know that she doesn't depend on anyone to access to her financial independence. She now only depends on herself.
With this brave move, Mibanco challenged the Peruvian banking system prioritizing the empowerment of women and their financial and social independence.
Media Type Case Study
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