Caylee Banz
Sound Producer at Yonder
Campaign Electric For All
Advertiser Veloz
Brand Veloz
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 9
Business Sector Environmental & Animal Issues
Philosophy Sasquatch, Martians, a unicorn and the tooth fairy all climb into an EV. No, it’s not a joke. These are stars of Veloz’s latest and timely Electric For All education campaign, “Myths Busting Myths,” which uses humor and our favorite mythical characters to debunk the fairytales and disinformation that are holding people back from choosing to go electric — whether that’s to own, rent or rideshare an EV. The new educational ad campaign, powered by Veloz, will build consumer interest in EVs and is perfectly positioned to capitalize on increased market momentum. This momentum is driven by record EV sales, polling that shows a majority of Americans are interested in buying EVs, the adoption of new EV sales targets by the state of California, a record state budget investment in EV infrastructure and incentive programs, and record infrastructure investment and incentives at the federal level. The bottom line: a pivotal tipping point on the road to mass EV adoption has been reached. To inspire confident consumers, the campaign lifts the veil on perceived barriers and overcomes disinformation in a way that’s fun, engaging and entertaining — these are not your grandmother’s EV ads. Featuring live-action, practical and visual effects that bring well-known myths to life, the hilariously clever video spots were directed by Eric André — stand-up comedian, actor, producer, television host and writer most known for his Netflix movie “Bad Trip” and his comedy series “The Eric André Show.” Here’s how the campaign’s mythical creatures are busting common EV myths: A financially savvy tooth fairy finds that EVs are less expensive than you think and are available at a range of prices in the new and used car markets. Plus, they are significantly cheaper to own and operate than gas-powered vehicles. A technologically inclined Sasquatch shows how easy it is to plug in and charge while out and about. With EVs now going 200+ miles between charges, you don’t need to plug in that often. And, when you do, chargers are increasingly common, with almost 80,000 public charging stations available across the state of California and over 140,000 nationwide, with more on the way. A modern family of Martians shows us that home charging is as easy as plugging in your cell phone. And, charging at home with new vehicle-to-home technology will soon be able to provide you with a backup supply of energy that you can tap into when the electricity goes out. A dexterous unicorn shows that anyone can refuel a hydrogen fuel cell EV. As soon as you get behind the wheel of your first fuel cell, you’ll be thrilled at how easy and intuitive it is – just like your gas-powered car, except simpler, quieter and better for your neighborhood. The campaign will feature English and Spanish language ads across multiple digital platforms for 15 months, reaching diverse communities of all income levels who haven’t always been prioritized by EV marketing efforts, especially those in low-income communities and communities of color. These groups are hit hardest by high gas prices, air pollution and climate impacts due to generations of systemic marginalization. That is why the campaign is committed to a message, messengers and media that reach the diverse California audience. A minimum of 50% of the advertising budget is committed to priority communities and is engaging trusted community and media partners including: California Fuel Cell Partnership Charge Across Town Ecology Action Electric Transportation Community Development Corporation EVNoire GRID Alternatives Rural County Representatives of California Univision The $4.25 million campaign will be promoted with paid digital advertising and organic social media outreach across California. The ads will drive consumers to the Electric For All website that provides the most comprehensive EV consumer resource available, with up-to-date makes and models and multiple shopping tools — including search by ZIP code tools that identify car incentives and home charger incentives via the Home Charging Advisor. The website also builds on the purpose of the ads by further addressing the myths facing consumers. Alongside the Electric For All campaign, national nonprofits Veloz and Generation180 are partnering to dramatically increase EV purchase intent with the new National Going Electric Pledge. The collaborative effort encourages individuals across the country to commit to making their next car electric by raising awareness and accelerating Americans' broad support for EVs. Click here to access the national pledge. Through public-private collaboration, public engagement and innovative awareness campaigns like “Myth Busting Myths,” Veloz’s high-powered, diverse and well-connected membership inspires, educates and empowers people to choose an EV for their next car purchase, rental or rideshare. Veloz members come from key EV sectors and Fortune 500 companies, public agencies and nonprofits, that are uniquely able to accelerate the shift to electric cars. The campaign was funded, in part, by a grant from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. Additional sponsors and in-kind partners of this campaign include Southern California Edison, Electrify America, PG&E, Uber, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BMW, East Bay Community Energy, General Motors, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, San Diego Gas and Electric and Ford.
Media Type Digital
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