Escape My Life is an eight episode comedy series that features tasers, police chases, and Shannen Doherty’s dog. Natasha Leggero stars as a minor Hollywood player who has stumbled onto a brand new Ford Escape and a Zombie-obsessed marketing specialist named Barry, played by Joe Lo Truglio. It was directed by Zombieland’s Ruben Fleischer.
Beside the series itself, Escape My Life also comes with a Tumblr “written” by Barry the hapless marketing specialist, and a meme generator where users can generate their own content, and its very own comic strip.
And it worked: content consumption exceeded our goals on all of our key metrics. If there’s one way to gauge humor, it’s key metrics.
On this project for Team Detroit/Ford, I was the senior art director designing the branded Youtube page and the UX for the page. I created the logo, and the ancillary items seen throughout the series. I created the posters for the "Yesterdead" film Barry pitches, along with his drawings on his blog. I also consulted on the character development with the production company Arcade that produced the episodes.