Nicole McMahon
Head of Brand Design at eBow
TitleFamine Food Bank
Campaign Famine Food Bank
Advertiser Little Flower Penny Dinners
Brand Little Flower Penny Dinners
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 3
Business Sector Charities, Foundations, Volunteers
Philosophy To shine a spotlight on Ireland’s rampant food poverty rates, food charity Little Flower Penny Dinners has teamed up with creative agency In the Company of Huskies, drawing attention to the issue of food poverty with their latest campaign entitled ‘Famine Food Bank’. On Saturday 12th March, Huskies installed a non-functional food bank in front of the most powerful symbol of hunger in Irish history, the famous Famine Memorial, where people could donate a plate of food to Little Flower using a QR code. Situated in Dublin City Docklands, the Famine statues provide a stark reminder of the Irish Potato famine - the most profound disaster in Irish history, when more than one million people died and a million more emigrated. Despite the notion that hunger was something that Ireland left behind way back in the 1800s, food poverty is still a huge, yet almost hidden problem in modern-day Ireland. 173 years later and Ireland is still hungry. Over 100,000 children go to bed hungry every night, 20% of parents regularly skip meals to feed their families and the demand for food help increased by 70% during Covid. As the cost of living soars in Ireland, these numbers are only set to skyrocket. Serving food to those most in need since 1912, Little Flower Penny Dinners is committed to giving support, service and a place of welcome through providing 1,500 meals a week, every week.
Media Type Case Study
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