Tomas Kucirek
Copywriter at This is Locco
Bratislava, Slovakia
TitleDifferent times, Different bars
BriefOur task was to remind the youth of terrors of past communist regime. We based our campaign on one simple and clear symbol – the hashtag. It reminded young people of the Velvet Revolution values. This way we showed them that not so long ago many things they put next to their hashtags today could have sent them behind actual prison bars. We targeted the trend of „bragging“ on social networks and created a contrast between the stuff we write next to virtual hashtag „bars“ and the horrifying fact that in the previous regime these very thoughts and actions could have had us imprisoned next to each other behind real prison bars.
Campaign Different times, Different bars
Advertiser Open Society Foundation
Brand Open Society Foundation

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PostedFebruary 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Digital
Creative Director J...j K...�č Subscribers Only
Copywriter J...j K...�č Subscribers Only
Copywriter D..o Subscribers Only
Copywriter T...s K....ek Subscribers Only
Art Director J...b S....ic Subscribers Only

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