Patrick Campbell
Creative Director at Sterling-Rice Group
Boulder, United States

Independent Beer Run Day: SRG & The Brewers Association


Sterling-Rice Group
Full Service
Boulder, United States
See Profile


Tell us about your role in the creation of this work.

Creative Director

Give us an overview of the campaign, what is it about?

Independence Day is full of traditions that really don’t have anything to do with Independence. So, we wanted to attach a new truly worthy staple to the holiday. One that represents the genuine meaning of the day: Independent Craft Beer from small hard-working breweries. True American backbone kind of stuff.
And to do that in an entertaining and memorable way, we created a new holiday of our own on July 3rd called NATIONAL INDEPENDENT BEER RUN DAY. It’s a fun, tongue-in-cheek, and oddly official way to remind people to celebrate Independence Day with Independent beer.  

Tell us about the details creative brief, what did it ask?

The challenge, and opportunity, with the Brewers Association, the not-for-profit trade group for small and independent American Brewers,  is that we need to create our own megaphones and head space. And drinking Independent Beer on Independence Day seemed like a no brainer. 

How did the client initially react to this idea?

The Brewer’s Association has always been with us on finding new and clever ways to get their message across. They immediately fell in love with the idea of being associated with one of the biggest beer-selling days of the year by making it an official holiday of their own. And in doing so, use that day to drive home the link between the spirit of small and independent breweries with the day Americans should be celebrating that kind of independent spirit the loudest.

What was the greatest challenge that you and your team faced during development?

I think the most challenging thing was that we had so much good footage. Having to narrow these spots down to 15ish seconds, meant saying goodbye to a lot of funny performances. This embarrassment of riches is a testament to the collaboration between the director, production company, our creative team, and a client that is willing to try anything. 

What did you enjoy most about seeing this campaign through? Did you learn anything new from the experience?

Campaigns like this are a ton of fun to produce. Simple set ups allow for improvising and trial on set. We love that freedom. And it’s often where the best stuff comes from. 

Where do you see this campaign going in the future?

We are hoping to promote National Independent Beer Run Day annually by upping the ante on the creative and solidifying Independent Craft Beer as the unofficial/official beer of Independence Day. Because it has definitely earned it.  




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