Tanguy Dairaine
Agency TV Producer at WNP studios
Advertiser Reckitt
Brand Veet Men
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 5
Business Sector Shaving & Depilatory Products
Story As well as being an expert in female hair removal, Veet has understood men and the importance of their private parts.The result? A bold innovation: the new Veet Men's Intimate Hair Removal Kit, which includes a dermatologically tested depilatory cream and aloe vera aftercare balm specifically designed to get rid of hair in men's private parts.To bring this irresistible proposition to life, BETC has created an astonishing metaphorical and jubilant odyssey depicting adorable and delicate testicles twirling around, (re)discovering a whole new world of pleasurable sensations.To spread the word about this innovation and inspire men, Veet goes beyond the product benefit and humorously offers a new sensory experience. Because when their private parts are completely smooth, men can feel things differently. They feel free to explore and enjoy life more, just like our dear stars in this film.
Philosophy Pour donner vie à cette proposition irrésistible, BETC a imaginé une étonnante odyssée métaphorique et jubilatoire en représentant d’adorables et délicats testicules virevoltants, (re)découvrant un tout nouveau monde de sensations agréables. Pour faire connaître cette innovation et inspirer les hommes, Veet va au-delà du bénéfice produit et propose avec humour une expérience sensorielle inédite. Car lorsque leurs parties intimes sont complètement lisses, les hommes peuvent ressentir les choses différemment. Ils se sentent libres d'explorer et de profiter davantage de la vie, à l’image de nos chères stars de ce film.
Problem En plus d'être un expert de l'épilation féminine, Veet a su comprendre les hommes et capter l’importance de leurs parties intimes. Le résultat ? Une innovation audacieuse : le nouveau kit d'épilation intime Veet Men qui comprend une crème dépilatoire et un baume après-soin à l'aloe vera, testé dermatologiquement, spécialement conçus pour se débarrasser des poils des parties intimes masculines.
Media Type Television
Market Australia, New Zealand
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Advertising Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Executive Creative Director
Group Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director Assistant
Art Director Assistant Arthur Paschini
Strategic Planner
Strategic Planner
Traffic Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Production Company Soldats Films
Production Company Producer
Sound Production


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